Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Labor day weekend this year wasn't filled with camping or BBQing or the normal stuff. It was filled with sitting around. My kitty, Lilu, has some medical issues and was confined to my room for 2 weeks, Labor day weekend was her first weekend out, so I spent it watching her and hoping that nothing would happen... and of course knitting. What this means is that I finished almost all of my hats during this weekend.

So I now have (from left to right) a purple berry hat (newbornish), a little pea (newbornish), a tomato (little bigger), and an eggplant (toddler). I fell deeply in love with the purple of the eggplant, I may have to get a lot more of that and make something of it. But for the moment I'm satisified with what I made. I have a pumpkin and blue jacket to make next before I go back to knitting other things.
Almost done with this baby boom. Only a handful of projects to finish before I can go back to knitting some of my other projects. My skirt, blanket, jacket, and shawl that have been on my to-do list for a long time. Oh well... babies have firmer deadlines. :)


  1. Those look GREAT! You certainly didn't waste the holiday weekend.

  2. Actually two of those were done before the weekend, little knits are quick. Two more then I can get back to the long baby blanket I keep meaning to finish...then yes...I'll consider making enemies with your kitty
