Monday, January 18, 2010


There are so many knitting projects on the horizon (and with yarn sitting in my study) that it's hard to figure out exactly what to do. I want to start working on my couch blanket because its made from so many smaller squares, that I really should get started. Then there's my skirt, SO close to being finished but still so far away. That will be a nice one to finally check off the list. There's sweaters to be made, gifts to start and complete. And of course, just when I am about to clear out some stash yarn, what happens? I see an adorable project online that requires new yarn :(

This came from and its basically knitting a whole play set. You make the mat (which it has been pointed out is missing a runway) and then you knit the individual cars, boats, trucks and trains! Its super cute!! I so want one. And I want to make one, but I was so happy that baby stuff was done for a while, and aside from my christmas stocking rampage (more on that later) I haven't had a chance to do anything for me. Or anything adult. So I'm not sure. There's a chance I'll just buy the pattern for future use, and there's a chance that I'll buy everything...woe is me

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great project....! As soon as you get that runway in and an airplane to go with it, anyway ;)
